Building the Cube – Blue

Continuing with the breakdown of each of my sections… here we go with Blue. What Does Blue Want To Do? I think that blue pretty much does what blue does. In my mind, Blue is about permission and card advantage. So, that is where I started with the blue section of my cube. Along the…

Building the Cube – White

Now that I have decided on powered/unpowered, the size of my cube, and how many cards I want in each section, it is actually time to choose the cards that I want to put in. As this is my first go at this thing, I’m fairly certain that a fair number of my pics will…

How Many Cards of Each Color?

A Quick Aside One key decision that I forgot to mention before is the use of Proxy cards in my cube. When I started out, I didn’t want to use proxy cards if at all possible. Depending on your personal collection, this may work out just fine. In my case however, I realized that I…

It’s the Size that Counts

When I started to build my cube, I made two decisions first. The first was if my cube would include the Power NineĀ or not. The second was how many cards I wanted in the cube. There are different routes to go on both of these things so without further adieu… To Power or Not to…

Why Cube?

Welcome Welcome to the first post of my blog, that will detail my thought process as I build a Cube for myself and my group of friends. I hope to help others avoid some of the missteps I have made in the construction of their own cube. Already, my experience with cube building has taught…