Set Preview: Born of the Gods

Since I started cubing about a year ago, I have realized that the most exciting time to have a cube is during the launch of a new set and just before it (“Preview Season”). After seeing how the community responds to some of the cards initially, I thought I would take down some of my…

Update-Bringing Back the Dead

A few updates ago, I made a mistake. I thought that it wasn’t a good idea to do re-animation in black. Instead, I wanted to run with the idea of Black devotion. Turns out that was a bad plan. I have updated my cube to bring back the cards that I cut without thinking it…

January Update Part 2

The Rest… In the last post, I covered the White, Blue, Black and Red sections of my update. This post should be enough to get through the rest of the update. I’m hoping that after this update, I will be going back to smaller updates to cover new sets and cards I randomly discover. Green…

January Update Part 1

Biggest Update… This update is probably the biggest update I’ve ever done with my cube all at once. With 45 cards being exchanged, that is 10% of my cube. Because the update is so large, I’ll have to break it into two posts to show everything I did. All the cards being exchanged will be…